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Dessa smith Joseph's mom
Leo go to Mom in her dreams and let her feel your warmth see your smile. Hugs and love to you precious. ((Hugs Rose))
Judie Smart
You are in my thoughts today and I pray that your loved ones find peace & comfort. ^i^
Judie Smart
Praying that you will be comforted through the pain & emptiness. The day is coming when we will all be reunited.Oh What a Day!
Dessa Smith
God Bless you Leo and your precious family. Joseph's mom
Jo-Ann ~ mom of Lauren Pacenta
Nothing can ever take away the love a heart holds dear...May ur memories of ur dear Leo comfort u & bring u peace
Grandmother 2 Angie Robert.
Leo have a great day with all your Angel Buddies..Keep looking down on your love ones ..{Hugs}
Judie Smart
You are in my thoughts today Leo I am praying for your loved ones ^i^
Judie Smart
It doesn't get any easier ...we just miss you more & more...I pray for your loved ones that they will find comfort ^i^
Rose Grma to Brittany Syfert
Dear Leo, A little tribute, small & tender, Just to say we still remember.Sending lots of love to u & ur loving family.
Martha Scott GM Chyanne Scott
We always remember you and your family in our prayers.
Judie Smart
So sorry I haven't visited in a while, please know that my heart is always with you...and my prayers too! ^i^
Jeanette Angel Nettie Campbell
Leo thinking of u & ur family today keeping all of u close to my heart & n my prayers. God Bless
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